domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

La destrucción de Hatra (Iraq)

 El vídeo sobre el atentado del yacimiento de Hatra (norte de Iraq) ha sido retirado de Youtube.

[Iraqcrisis], la asociación del Instituto Oriental de Chicago que intenta aportar la máxima información sobre qué ocurre en el norte de Iraq -papel de Heritage for Peace cumple para Siria- anuncia, sin embargo, que existen dos enlaces para ver este vídeo (como el que corresponde al video aquí mostrado), o, mejor dicho, para saber qué ha ocurrido:

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Although the video has now been removed, I would have thought that itwould be useful to note that although there is evidence of destructionof human images in the video, the monuments themselves of Hatra arenot destroyed. This is a positive note.
all the best
Alastair NorthedgeProfesseur d'Art et d'Archéologie IslamiquesUFR d'Art et d'ArchéologieUniversité de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne)3

Just a note to point out that the attacks carried out by IS on the Unesco WorldHeritage site of Hatra - published in the video of 3 April 2015 - targeted themetropolitan sanctuary dedicated to the sun god Shamash, whose temenos has arectangular plan of 435 x 320 meters.
Two locations are shown as the main focus of the assault: the site of the GreatIvans, and in particular the smaller ivan  adjacent to the south side of thecentral ivan, as well  as the temple of the Triad built by king Nasru (2ndcentury AD): Maran, “Our Lord” (Shamash),  Martan (“Our Lady”) and Bar Marayan(“Son of Our Lords”). These temples were all decorated with beautiful statues,Gorgon heads, and busts of dignitaries in the Parthian style.
Paolo Brusasco,
Scuola di Scienze UmanisticheUniversità  degli Studi di Genova,Via Balbi, 216126 GENOVA

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